After the Snow Geese stippled our little Honda with their version of a Pollack drip painting, I waited a while before heading to the car wash, thinking it would be a waste when the rain would just wipe the body clean within a day or two. But, faithful to the Northwest, the rain came in fine mists rather than cleansing sheets. A few days of drizzle left us with an even broader canvas of goose abstractions.
I don’t know why my heart races when I coast up to the wash zone — maybe the anxiety trigger of being trapped in a box with a soapy Typheoeus , father of all Greek monsters — this one with dangling blue shammy strips for legs instead of vipers.
I pulled out my old iPhone and capture Typhon, crude, loud and blue, sweeping his shammies across the windshield. The water and soap created a derivative work from the goose stipple: bubbles, stripes and cascades colored my view. And all because the Snow Geese alighted over me, without a sense of their own creative, spring rhythms.

Car Wash Blues (and Golds) #1 – ©ingridtaylar

Car Wash Blues (and Golds) #2 – ©ingridtaylar

Car Wash Blues (and Golds) #3 – ©ingridtaylar
And, so as not to conflate accidental goose art with deliberate modern art, here’s the *real* Pollock in action and in montage:
I think you have a good eye for windshield patterns. I remember having seen in another post of yours another windshield scene with frost, I believe. I also bookmarked that website about Greek mythology. I also had to go back to Greek mythology when I got into reptiles. When I got into snakes I had to go back to Hermes and Asclepius who both held a Caduceus shaft, to emphasise and protect the positive qualities that serpents possess. Both Hermes and Asclepius had shafts with serpents around them.
Ingrid, I would never have thought to take car wash images and these are fascinating abstracts! Great eye.
Oh so much beauty in what is random! You sure can see it – And so can I! Wish I were free enough to express the liberated artistic qualities though… I learned all too well (to my detriment) to color within the lines. :/
But this is good stuff! Love to see how others have escaped into magical spontaneity!